CeC Story #7 – Three Sisters

Medelyn is 12 years old and in Grade VI, Rosemay is 10 years old and in Grade V and Rodeme is 8 years old and in Grade III. They are sisters. Smart and bubbly, the three sisters’ eyes were brightly shining, when I interviewed them. They were also calm and quiet and serene. Looking at them, one senses an inner peace, happiness and contentment.

I was tempted to ask, “Do you quarrel?” And they chorused, “Sometimes we fight but we always make up. We each have insecurities and commit mistakes. We would fight and scream and argue but underneath we know that we love each other. We make bad judgements. Sisters are like that! But we also hang out with each other, we tell each other our worst fears and major secrets, we help one another. And we listen to each other.” Their maturity in answering my questions surprised me.

I became interested in the three sisters because they availed of our free basic digital literacy training and got their certificates of completion together. They did it in the summer of 2015. Since they live in the Poblacion area, they took the training at our Satellite CeC in Poblacion.

During the training, they arrive at the center together and leave together. However, they were not accommodated at the CeC all the time. This is because they were the first to come in the morning. But they come back in the afternoons as well, and Jason, the knowledge worker gave priority to those who are new. Every day, from Mondays to Fridays for the whole duration of the summer vacation, they train with the CeC.

At the end of it all, they were so proud and happy to get their certificates of completion. They said that the added knowledge and skills they acquired from the CeC has made life easier for them. Doing their school assignments became effortless and uncomplicated for them, where before they were hard and difficult.
“We also felt confident because now we know how to use the computers. We do not own a computer at home and the CeC has really been a very big help to us in our studies. We would like to thank our teacher, Sir Jason, and Mayor Carlito de la Peña Reyes for this program because it has made our student life easier and less expensive. We do our researches at the CeC for free.”

The three wonderful children are the source of satisfaction and delight of their parents Mely and Rodolfo. They are so proud of their children who took the initiative of attending the free basic digital literacy training. “They are all very eager to study and learn how to use the computer. We do not have a computer at home because we cannot afford it.”

Mely sells snack and lunch items in Poblacion in an area designated by the municipality for food vendors. Rodolfo is working at the local Montessori school as maintenance employee.Like Mely and Rodolfo, we too are happy about Medelyn, Rosemay and Rodeme. We are quite happy also because, once more, we have proven that our CeC change people’s lives for the better.

By Linda Navarro Balbuena. CeC Manager, CeC Malvar

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